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The Works of Mercy
With the voice of Jeannine
Pope Francis in the document, “The Face of Mercy” (Mv) exclaims with great passion, “How I long for the years to come to be steeped in mercy so as to reach out to every person bringing the goodness and tenderness of God! May the balm of mercy come to all, believers and distant ones, as a sign of the Kingdom of God already present in our midst.” (Mv 5). This same document helps us retrace the History of Salvation in the key of Mercy: “In short, God's mercy is not an abstract idea, but a concrete reality by which He reveals His love like that of a father and mother who are moved to the depths of their bowels by their child.
It is truly the case to say that it is a “visceral” love. (Mv 6)
The mission Jesus received from the Father was to reveal the mystery of divine love in its fullness. “God is love” (1 Jn 4:8, 16).
His person is nothing but love, a love that gives itself freely. His relationships with the people who approach him manifest something unique and unrepeatable. The signs He performs, especially toward sinners, poor, excluded, sick and suffering people, are under the banner of mercy. Everything in Him speaks of mercy. Nothing in Him is without compassion. What moved Jesus in all circumstances was nothing but mercy, with which He read the hearts of His interlocutors and responded to their truest need. (Mv 8)
Let us listen to the word of Jesus who set mercy as an ideal of life and a criterion of credibility for our faith: “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall find mercy” (Mt 5:7) is the beatitude to be inspired by with particular commitment in this Holy Year. God's mercy is his responsibility for us. He feels responsible, that is, He desires our good and wants to see us happy, filled with joy and serene. It is on the same wavelength that the merciful love of Christians should be oriented. As He loves the Father so they love their children. As He is merciful, so are we called to be merciful to one another. (Mv 9)